
Wooden Coaster Design

In my freshman typography class, we were tasked with creating wooden coasters using our laser within our design lab. We were to use the laser to engrave our designs into the wooden coasters. We were told to create the Alphabet on one side of the coasters, each latter had to be within a certain catagory of type. For example E was a script type, while others were an Old style or traditional style serif typeface. On the back of the coaster we were to write what style the typeface fell into, the name of the typeface, and the creator of the typeface.  At the end of our coasters, we were told to create a title coaster and to design a container for our coasters. I knew from the beginning I wanted to do something with plants, I settled on the Idea of Ivy vines. Due to being a broke college student I decided to paint my container i had found to represent my coasters. 

Type Video

In my type class we were asked to create a video made out of type. We got to choose the sound we created our type to. I decided to use the sound of Ultron and Vision at the end of the Marvel movie Avengers age of Ultron. I am a huge Marvel fan and found this scene very powerful and moving. If you'd like to view the video please click the link below.